Wednesday 12 December 2018

TURBO C Editor

TURBO C Editor
The interface of Turbo C is very simple. When IDE screen appears, the menu bar is activated. It contains various menus such as

·         File: This menu contains group of commands used for save , edit , print program, exit from Turbo C editor etc.
·         Edit: This menu contains group of commands used for editing C program source code. Example Copy, Cut, Paste, Undo etc.
·         Search: This menu contains group of commands used for searching specific word as well as replacing it with another one.
·         Run: This menu contains group of commands used for running C program.
·         Compile: This menu contains group of commands used for compiling C program.
·         Debug: This menu contains group of commands used for debugging C program.
·         Project: This menu contains group of commands used for opening, closing and creating projects.
·         Options: This menu contains group of commands used for configuring IDE of Turbo C and setting up directories etc.
·         Windows: This menu contains group of commands used for opening, closing various windows of IDE.
·         Help: This menu is used to get help about specific topic of C language. Similarly to get help about a specific keyword or identifier of C.


·         Alt + F  -                Open file
·         Alt + F3 -               Close
·         Alt + F + N  -         New file
·         Alt + X  -                Exit turbo c
·         Alt + F5 -               Output Screen
·         Alt + F + L  -         Check programme load or not.
·         Alt + ENTER  -     Full screen
·         Shift + Del -          Cut
·         Shift + Insert -      Paste
·         Ctrl + Insert -        Copy
·         Alt+F9 -                 Compile a program
·         Ctrl + F8                Break point
·         Ctrl+F9 -               To run a program
·         Ctrl+s -                  To save a program
·         Alt + BkSp  -          Undo
·         Ctrl + K + H  -       Deselect point
·         Shift + Alt + BkSp  -  Redo
·         Ctr + Del -             Clear.
·         Ctr + Y   -               Delete Line
·         Alt + F7 -               Previous Error
·         Alt + F8 -               Next Error
·         Ctr + F2 -               Program reset
·         F1 -                         Help
·         F2  -                        Save file
·         F3  -                        Open file
·         F5  -                        Minimize/Maximize
·         F6  -                       Jump From One file to another
·         F7  -                       Debug
·         F8  -                       Step Over

Installation of TC

Installation of TC

Installation of TC is very simple just download turbo C or C++ and run .exe files
When you install the Turbo C compiler on your system, then TC directory is created on the hard disk and various sub directories such as INCLUDE, and LIB etc. are created under TC.

·         INCLUDE :Contain the header files of C.
·         LIB: Contain the library files of C.
·         BGI: Contain Graphics related files.
·         BIN: Contain .exe, .obj etc files.

Applications of C

Where we use C Language
C Language is mainly used for;
·         Design Operating system
·         Design Language Compiler
·         Design Database
·         Language Interpreters
·         Utilities
·         Network Drivers
·         Assemblers
Applications of C
Mainly C Language is used for Develop Desktop application and system software. Some application of C language are given below.
·         C programming language can be used to design the system software like operating system and Compiler.
·         To develop application software like database and spread sheets.
·         For Develop Graphical related application like computer and mobile games.
·         To evaluate any kind of mathematical equation use c language.
·         C programming language can be used to design the compilers.
·         UNIX Kernal is completely developed in C Language.
·         For Creating Compilers of different Languages which can take input from other language and convert it into lower level machine dependent language.
·         C programming language can be used to design Operating System.
·         C programming language can be used to design Network Devices.

About C Programming Language

C is a computer programming language developed in 1972 by Dennis M. Ritchie at the Bell Telephone Laboratories to develop the UNIX Operating System. C is a simple and structure oriented programming language. It is the most widely use computer programming language, This language is used for develop system software and Operating System.. C is a programming language that serves as a medium for programmer to instruct computer to do a job or making programs/software's.
History of C
C language is developed by Mr. Dennis Ritchie in the year 1972 at bell laboratory at USA, C is a simple and structure Oriented Programming Language. In the year 1988 C programming language standardized by ANSI (American national standard institute), that version is called ANSI-C. In the year of 2000 C programming language standardized by ISO that version is called C-99. All other programming languages were derived directly or indirectly from C programming concepts.