Monday 1 October 2012


Pointers : Pointer is a variable that contains an address which is a location of another variable in memory. Declaration of pointer is as follows

                        Datatype *ptr-name;

            Where asteristic(*) tells that the variable ‘ptr-name’ is a pointer variable.

Ex :     int *p;

            Declares the variable ‘p’ as a pointer variable that points to an integer type elements.

Pointers And Arrays : When an array is declared , the compiler allocates a base address and sufficient amount of storage of all the elements of array in categories memory locations. The base address is the location of the first element of the array. The compiler also defines the array name as a constant pointer to the first element. Suppose we declare an array ‘X’ as follows.

                        Int  X[5]  =  { 1,2,3,4,5};

            Suppose the base address of ‘X’ is 1000 and assuming that each integer requires 2 bytes. The 5 elements will be stored as follows

The name ‘X’ is defined as a constant pointer pointing to the first element x[0], and the value of ‘X’ is 1000, the location where X[0] store. I.e.., x = &x[0] = 1000.

            If declare ‘P’ as an integer pointer, then we can take the point ‘P’ to point to the array x by the following assignment P = X;

This is equivalent to P = & x[0].

            We can access every value of x using P++ to move from one element to another. The relationship between P and X is shown below.

                                    P     = &X[0] = 1000
                                    P+1 = &X[1] = 1002
                                    P +2 = &X[2] = 1004
                                    P +3 = &X[3] = 1006
                                    P +4 = &X[4] = 1008

The address of an element is caliculated using its index and the scale factor of the data type.

            Address of X[3]  =  base address + (3*scale factor of int)
                                        =   1000 + (3*2)
                                        =   1006

            We can use the pointer to access the array elements.
                        i.e.., *p+3 gives the value of x[3].

Two Dimensional Array : The pointer can be used to manipulate two dimensional arrays. An element in a two dimensional array can be represented by the pointer expression as follows
                                    *(*(p+i) + j)   or  *(* (a+i)+j)

            The  element of A[i][j] represents the base address of the array and stationary at this address. The computer allocates categories space for all the elements in row-wise. i.e.., The first element of the second row is placed immediately after the last element of the first row and so on.

Structure Pointers : The way we can have a pointer pointing to an int , or a pointer pointing to a character, similarly we can have a pointer pointing to a struct. Such pointer are known as ‘structure pointers’, let us look a program which demonistrates the uses of these pointers .

struct book
                                    char name[25];
char author[25];
int callno;
struct book1 b1={“My First Book Of C”,”Shiva”,100};
struct book *ptr ;

            The first printf() is a usual. The second printf() however is perculiar. We can’t use or ptr.callno because ptr is not a structure variable but a pointer to a structure, and the dot operator requires a structure variable on its left. In such cases C provides an operator ->, called an arrow operator to refer to the structure elements. Remember that on the left hand side of the ‘.’ Structure operator,there must always be a structure variable, whereas on the left hand side  of the -> operator there must always be a pointer to a structure. 

            Can we not pass the address of a structure variable to a function? We can . The following program demonstrates this.

            /*Passing address of a structure variable*/
            struct book
                        char name[25];
                        char author[25];
int callno;
                        struct book b1=”My Personal Book of C”,”Shiva”,100);
            struct book *b;            {
                        printf(“\n%s%s%d”,b->name,b->author,b->callno); }

            Again, note that, to access the structure elements using pointer to a structure we have to use the ‘->’ operator. Also, the structure struct book should be declared outside main() such that this data type is available to display() while declaring the variable b as a pointer to the structure.

Dynamic Memory Allocation : Consider the array declaration

                                    int marks[100];

            Such a declaration would typically be used if 100 students marks are to be stored in memory. The moment we make this declaration 200 bytes are reserved in memory for storing 100 integers in it. However, it may so happen what we actually run the program we might be interested in storing only 60 students marks. Even in this case 200 bytes would get reserved in memory, which would result in wastage of memory.

            Other way round, there always exists a possibility that when you run the program you need to store more than 100 student’s marks. In this case the array would fall short in size. Moreover, there is no way to increase or decrease the array size during execution of the program. In other words, when we use arrays static memory allocation takes place. What if we want to allocate memory only at the time of execution? This is done using standard library functions malloc ()  and  calloc() . Since these functions allocate memory – on the fly- during execution they are often known as ‘Dynamic Memory Allocation functions’. Let us now see a program which uses the concept of dynamic memory allocation.

                        int n,avg,I,*p,sum=0;
                        printf(“Enter the no.of students”);
p=(int *)malloc(n *2);
if(p= =NULL)
printf(“\nMemory allocation unsuccessful”);
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
for(i=0; i<n;i++)
printf(“Average marks %d”,avg);

            Here we first ask for the no.of students whose marks are to be entered and then allocate as much memory as required to store these marks really. Not a byte memory, not a byte less. The allocation job is done by malloc()  . it returns a NULL if memory allocation is unsuccessful. If successful it returns the address of the memory chunk that was allocated .

            This address we collected in an integer pointer p. the expression (int *) is used to type cast the address being returned as the address of an integer rather than a character. This type casting is necessary since malloc()  by default returns a pointer to a void.  In the first for loop using simple pointer arthematic we store the marks entered from key board into the memory that has beeb allocated . In the second for loop we access the same values and sum up them to find the average marks.

            The calloc()  function works exactly similar to malloc() except for the fact that it needs two arguments as againsdt one argument require by malloc() . for example

                        int *p;
                        p=(int *) calloc( 10,2);

            Here 2 indicates that we wish to indicate memory for storing integers, since an integer is a 2 byte entity and 10 indicates that we want to reserve space for storing 10 integers.

Another mirror difference between malloc() and calloc() is that by default the memory allocated by malloc() contains garbage values , where as that allocated by calloc() contains all zeros. While using these functions it is necessary to include the file “alloc.h” at the beginning of the program.


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