Monday 10 December 2018


Ø Pseudocode is a method of describing computer algorithms using a combination of natural language and programming language .
Ø The pseudocode is just the algorithm written by using programming language syntaxes.
Ø  Pseudo code ia an artifical and informal language that helps programmers develop algorithms. Pseudo code is very simillar to everyday english.
Ø  Pseudocode is a "text-based" detail (algorithmic) design tool.
Ø  .
  1. Write the pseudocode for calculating the area of circle.
1. Scan radius.
2. Area=3.14*radius*radius.
3. Print radius;
4. Stop.
  1. Write the pseudo code for print the maximum number between two numbers.
1. Input a and b.
2. If a>b then
3. Print a
4. Else
5. Print b.
6. End

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