Wednesday 3 May 2017

A C program to show implementation of LRU cache

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// A Queue Node (Queue is implemented using Doubly Linked List)
typedef struct QNode
    struct QNode *prev, *next;
    unsigned pageNumber;  // the page number stored in this QNode
} QNode;
// A Queue (A FIFO collection of Queue Nodes)
typedef struct Queue
    unsigned count;  // Number of filled frames
    unsigned numberOfFrames; // total number of frames
    QNode *front, *rear;
} Queue;
// A hash (Collection of pointers to Queue Nodes)
typedef struct Hash
    int capacity; // how many pages can be there
    QNode* *array; // an array of queue nodes
} Hash;
// A utility function to create a new Queue Node. The queue Node
// will store the given 'pageNumber'
QNode* newQNode( unsigned pageNumber )
    // Allocate memory and assign 'pageNumber'
    QNode* temp = (QNode *)malloc( sizeof( QNode ) );
    temp->pageNumber = pageNumber;
    // Initialize prev and next as NULL
    temp->prev = temp->next = NULL;
    return temp;
// A utility function to create an empty Queue.
// The queue can have at most 'numberOfFrames' nodes
Queue* createQueue( int numberOfFrames )
    Queue* queue = (Queue *)malloc( sizeof( Queue ) );
    // The queue is empty
    queue->count = 0;
    queue->front = queue->rear = NULL;
    // Number of frames that can be stored in memory
    queue->numberOfFrames = numberOfFrames;
    return queue;
// A utility function to create an empty Hash of given capacity
Hash* createHash( int capacity )
    // Allocate memory for hash
    Hash* hash = (Hash *) malloc( sizeof( Hash ) );
    hash->capacity = capacity;
    // Create an array of pointers for refering queue nodes
    hash->array = (QNode **) malloc( hash->capacity * sizeof( QNode* ) );
    // Initialize all hash entries as empty
    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < hash->capacity; ++i )
        hash->array[i] = NULL;
    return hash;
// A function to check if there is slot available in memory
int AreAllFramesFull( Queue* queue )
    return queue->count == queue->numberOfFrames;
// A utility function to check if queue is empty
int isQueueEmpty( Queue* queue )
    return queue->rear == NULL;
// A utility function to delete a frame from queue
void deQueue( Queue* queue )
    if( isQueueEmpty( queue ) )
    // If this is the only node in list, then change front
    if (queue->front == queue->rear)
        queue->front = NULL;
    // Change rear and remove the previous rear
    QNode* temp = queue->rear;
    queue->rear = queue->rear->prev;
    if (queue->rear)
        queue->rear->next = NULL;
    free( temp );
    // decrement the number of full frames by 1
// A function to add a page with given 'pageNumber' to both queue
// and hash
void Enqueue( Queue* queue, Hash* hash, unsigned pageNumber )
    // If all frames are full, remove the page at the rear
    if ( AreAllFramesFull ( queue ) )
        // remove page from hash
        hash->array[ queue->rear->pageNumber ] = NULL;
        deQueue( queue );
    // Create a new node with given page number,
    // And add the new node to the front of queue
    QNode* temp = newQNode( pageNumber );
    temp->next = queue->front;
    // If queue is empty, change both front and rear pointers
    if ( isQueueEmpty( queue ) )
        queue->rear = queue->front = temp;
    else  // Else change the front
        queue->front->prev = temp;
        queue->front = temp;
    // Add page entry to hash also
    hash->array[ pageNumber ] = temp;
    // increment number of full frames
// This function is called when a page with given 'pageNumber' is referenced
// from cache (or memory). There are two cases:
// 1. Frame is not there in memory, we bring it in memory and add to the front
//    of queue
// 2. Frame is there in memory, we move the frame to front of queue
void ReferencePage( Queue* queue, Hash* hash, unsigned pageNumber )
    QNode* reqPage = hash->array[ pageNumber ];
    // the page is not in cache, bring it
    if ( reqPage == NULL )
        Enqueue( queue, hash, pageNumber );
    // page is there and not at front, change pointer
    else if (reqPage != queue->front)
        // Unlink rquested page from its current location
        // in queue.
        reqPage->prev->next = reqPage->next;
        if (reqPage->next)
           reqPage->next->prev = reqPage->prev;
        // If the requested page is rear, then change rear
        // as this node will be moved to front
        if (reqPage == queue->rear)
           queue->rear = reqPage->prev;
           queue->rear->next = NULL;
        // Put the requested page before current front
        reqPage->next = queue->front;
        reqPage->prev = NULL;
        // Change prev of current front
        reqPage->next->prev = reqPage;
        // Change front to the requested page
        queue->front = reqPage;
// Driver program to test above functions
int main()
    // Let cache can hold 4 pages
    Queue* q = createQueue( 4 );
    // Let 10 different pages can be requested (pages to be
    // referenced are numbered from 0 to 9
    Hash* hash = createHash( 10 );
    // Let us refer pages 1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 5
    ReferencePage( q, hash, 1);
    ReferencePage( q, hash, 2);
    ReferencePage( q, hash, 3);
    ReferencePage( q, hash, 1);
    ReferencePage( q, hash, 4);
    ReferencePage( q, hash, 5);
    // Let us print cache frames after the above referenced pages
    printf ("%d ", q->front->pageNumber);
    printf ("%d ", q->front->next->pageNumber);
    printf ("%d ", q->front->next->next->pageNumber);
    printf ("%d ", q->front->next->next->next->pageNumber);
    return 0;
5 4 1 3

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